Advanced FAQ

Here is a wide selection of questions and answers about Chainless Technology.

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Chainless Pedaling System

Can we orientate the Chainless System in any position ?

Yes, it is possible to rotate 360° the Chainless System around the pedaling axis. 

The only constraint are:

1. Keep the Chainless System longitudinal mid plan vertical, 

2. Keep the right pedal on the right side, left pedal on the left side.

NB: Still, the Chainless System is compliant with tilting vehicle (no need of permanent horizontality)

What does pedaling on the Chainless System feel like ?

Pedaling on the Chainless System feels like pedaling on a regular bike. 

The Chainless System is more than a simple power generator, as it is able to put some resistance in the pedals.

Thanks to our patended algorithms, the Chainless System continously adapts that resistance to recreate the feeling of pedaling on a regular bike.

What is the efficiency ?

In average, the Chainless System  is able to transform 80% of the cyclist legs mechanical energy into electrical electricity. This makes the Chainless System  a bit less efficient than a mechanical transmission. However, this difference becomes neglictible at high battery power (see doc "PERS - principle and datasheet" for details)

What is the voltage ?

The voltage is 48V nominal.

It requires a 48V battery.

How much current generates the Chainless System ? 

Power generator max current specs are:

What is the maximum torque ? 

Torque is used to define the resistance that the Chainless System puts in the pedals.

It can generate a maximum torque of 200 N.m, so as to be able to stand on the pedals (“danseuse”)

(Comparison: a 100kg person standing on 1 pedal creates 170 N.m)

How heavy is it ?

Approx. 3.0kg (same as mid-drive motors)

Does the Chainless System supply power directly to the motor or does it charge the battery ?

The Chainless System supplies power directly to the propulsion motor, and depending on the power level, the battery adds energy.

In regenerative braking mode, the energy goes from the motor to the battery.

In some cases, the Chainless System  can also be used to charge the battery.

Where are the Chainless System parts coming from ?

CIXI assembles the Chainless System in Poisy (74) FRANCE.

The Chainless System parts are produced by suppliers coming mostly from EU.

A few components are from Asia, but the company's philosophy is to source as many parts as possible in France and the EU.

How long will your system last? 

The target is 50,000 km, we are running field and bench-accelerated testing to assess it accordingly. 

How many years of warranty? 

2 legal contractual years

A longer warranty system is being studied.

Terms and conditions for the Chainless System development kit can be uploaded here.

What's your recipe for guaranteeing pedalling with natural haptics?

It's CIXI's secret recipe. You have to try it out, but we can't tell you everything because we've registered patents.

At the beginning of the ride, the user chooses its ideal pedaling cadency and power level, then the Chainless System provides a safe and reactive feeling at any moment.

What is the carbon footprint of the Chainless System ?

The Chainless System detailed LCA is being performed, and results will be shared in a dedicated document.

Nevertheless, the main ecological advantage of the Chainless System is to make more easy the development and operation of light vehicles, and thus to help offering alternatives to regular cars. 

Is it resistant to water ?

It is resistant to rain and water projections, but can not be immersed in water or washed at high pressure (IP 55)

Does the Chainless System have a reverse mode ?

Yes, it is acted by pressing a dedicated button and pedaling backwards while vehicle is stopped (for 3 wheels and more vehicles)

Does the Chainless System have a regenerative braking ?

Yes, and at the dev kit stage it is acted by pedaling backwards while vehicle has some speed.

Can I connect accessories such as lights, horn and blinkers to the kit ?

Yes, 48V and 12V (PERS auxiliary output) are available to power accessories

What is the power of the Chainless System generator ?

Chainless System power generator specs are:

Example: average cyclist 150W continuous

Example of a Tour de France rider: 500W continuous operation

What kind of cranks can I mount on it ?

Any kind of cranks respecting ISIS standard can be mounted on the Chainless System

NB: Cranks and pedals are not included in the Dev Kit

Will the Chainless System be CE certified ? If yes, when ?

We plan to have the final Chainless System CE certified end of 2024.

The Chainless System included in the development kit will not be certified.

What is a Chainless System equiped vehicle speed limit ?

We can adapt the control laws inside the Chainless System to accomodate any vehicle speed. For instance, our VIGOZ uses a Chainless System and goes up to 120 km/h.

However, the Chainless System will be installed on two main vehicle speed categories: 25km/h and 45 km/h.

For both version, we use the same hardware, only the software is tuned for speed limit.

NB: When the biker reaches a Chainless System equiped vehicle assistance speed limit, it can still go faster than this assistance speed limit by pushing harder on the pedals (like with a regular ebike or cargo ebike).


What kind of propulsion motor can I use with a Chainless System ?

A wide range of motors can be adapted to the Chainless System. 

For the Dev Kit stage (January 2024), there is only one possiblity which is a GRIN 8T (SLOW) all axle hub motor.

Then, we will qualify several propulsion motors to better fit any vehicle size and speed. 

NB: The motor power depends on the vehicle. For example, on a cargo bike, you would use a more torquey motor (i.e. bigger and heavier).

Our team can help you to choose the right motor.

Is it possible to control several motor with 1 Chainless System ?

Yes, it is possible to control several motors with one Chainless System.

For Dev Kit stage, limit is 2 motors.

Then, we will update the Chainless System to control as many motor as a vehicle can have.

How heavy is the GRIN all axle propulsion motor ?

4.0 kg

How does the energy travels from the Chainless System to the rear wheel motor? 

Via electric cables, through a motor controller (ASI BAC855 for dev kit)

Is it the same standard of integration as another mid-motor (the interface screws/holes between the Chainless System and the frame)?

No, the Chainless System is not designed according to any mid-motor standard.

The vehicle needs a custom cradle (drawings are available on the PERS datasheet and principle document)

As the Chainless System is narrower than most of the mid-motors and gearbox, an adapter is most of the time easy to design.

What type of wheel can accommodate a hub motor? 

Any e-bike rim, with a recommendation for moderate or small diameters (20-26"), which improves propulsion performances.

GRIN motor: 32 spokes holes.

What is statorade ? And does it require refills/specific maintenance ?

Statorade is a motor coolant liquid (GRIN video) that improves the GRIN motor performances. It does not add any specific maintenance. 

Can the motor do reverse ?


What is the motor axis maximal load ?

GRIN motor uses standard axis, so it depends on the axis choice

Can the propulsion motor be rear or front wheel ?

Yes it can (axle to adapt) ==> Link to GRIN motor integration document

Can the propulsion motor be attached on a single side ?

Yes it can, with dedicated adapter ==> Link to GRIN motor integration documentation


What kind of battery can I use with a Chainless System ?

A wide range of 48V batteries can be adapted to the Chainless System. 

For the Dev Kit stage (January 2024), there is only one battery possiblity for bike (1 motor vehicle) and one possibility for cargo (2 motor vehicle).

Then, we will qualify several batteries to better fit any vehicle size and shape. 

Our team can help you to choose the right battery.

Is energy recovered while braking to charge the battery?

Yes, regenerative braking is acted by pedaling backwards.

Which battery is used for cargo application ?

The Dev Kit cargo battery is a 48V AES Superpack

Can we put the batteries in a non-ventilated location on the bike?

Yes but we advise you to use the battery in the temperature range given in the Datasheet.

We recommend to use and stock your battery as far as possible from the temperature limit.

How heavy is the AES Superpack battery ?

The AES Superpack battery is 12kg.

It is quite heavy as it uses LFP cells technology, which has other intersting advantages compared to Li-ion cells, such as higher currents, better safety, longer life and less impact on the environment.


What kind of motor controller can I use with a Chainless System ?

For the Dev Kit stage (January 2024), there is only one motor controller possiblity: ASI BAC855

In the future, we plan to qualify alternatives to this motor controller

Our team can help you to choose the right battery.

How many motor controllers do I need if I have 2 propulsion motors ?

1 motor = 1 motor controller

2 motors = 2 motor controllers (in this case, both controllers act as Chainless System slaves)

Is there a controller inside the motor?

No. The motor has sensors used by the motor controller (external).


Will the Chainless System development kit have connectivity functions ?

No, this is an update that will come after development kit stage.

Can I ride without the app (disconnected)?

Yes, when connectivity functions will be implemented in the Chainless System, all the vital functionalities are accessible without the App

Can I lock my Chainless System equipped vehicle ?

Yes, when connectivity functions will be implemented in the Chainless System, you will have digital keys for you and the person that use your Chainless System equipped vehicle. Nevertheless, the vehicle can be unlocked without the App.


Are accessories such as lights and horn included in the kit?

No, accessories such as lights and horn are not included in the kit.

Nevertheless, it is possible to connect to the 48V and the 12V Chainless System power supply to add accessories on your vehicles

Can I connect brakes signals to the Chainless System?

For the Chainless System Dev Kit stage, it is not possible to connect brakes to the Chainless System.

For further stages, it will be possible, so as to use brake signal with functions related to the Chainless System


How do I shift gears on the bike? How does it work exactly? 

No more notion of gear shifting thanks to our patented algorithms.

The harder you push, the faster the wheels spins : the ratio between cranks speed and wheel speed is automatically and continuously adapted.